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15 Kommentare:
I love teh coolness of this card a real wintery feel to it and such a cute wee mouse.
Deine Karte ist toll.Tolle farben,tolles Motiv.
Very cute card Mandy. I love the background with the little mouse and you glittery accents. Very cute!
Hi Mandy
Deine Karte ist wunderschön geworden!
Liebe Grüße
you already know that I love this card, it's so sweet and adorable!
fabulous work as always Mandy ;)
Jo xx
Great card. I lov ethe image and the colours you have chosen to put together.
Sandra xx
Eine Karte von dir ist schöner als die andere. Toll!!!!
I like the glittery bits, and the way you stamped the words around the cute image. It's a great combination- great affect!
Suuper! So schön harmonisch! Tolle Karte!
Lg Anke
Wonderful card Mandy! Love the mouse and the DP. I am having a blog candy over at my blog. Come on over and check it out if you have a chance! Hugs Jeanette
Beautiful card, love the image and fab papers.
Fantastic card so pretty
Hugs Jacqui x
Beautiful card Mandy, lovely coloursx
wo very nice card Mandy !!!! and very beautiful colours for christmass !!!
Mandy, deine karte ist hammerschön - super tolle GEstaltung
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