Bei der ABC Challenge war das Thema Y wie Yellow...was für und bei Inspirational Card sketches gab es diese Vorlage.....ich hoffe mein Kärtchen gefällt euch. Thanks for looking!
OH THIS IS JUST PRECIOUS!!! I love your colors, flower, sweet and beautifully colored image. wonderful card. thank you so much for joining us this week at ICS!
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12 Kommentare:
Gorgeous card - such a cute image!
Thanks for joining us at the ABC Challenge this week!
Helen x
Gorgeous card Mandy, and a beautiful image.
Thank you for joining in the ABC challenge this week.
Cathy xx
What a beautiful card Mandy,i love the stamp and colours.
So gorgeous papers.
Hugs Riet.x
Mandy, deine Karte sieht umwerfend aus und gefällt mir super gut
Beautiful card! Love it!
thanks for joining us on ABC
What a great job you did with the sketch! I am so glad you joined us!
Ich find die Farbe gelb immer sehr schwer zu verarbeiten. Aber Dir ist es super gelungen!! Wunderschönes Kärtchen!!
LG Katrin
Beautiful card, great take on the sketch, love the colour combo. Thanks for joining in at ICS this week.
Hi Mandy...
Your card is `beautiful`
Thanks for joining in with the ICS this week great to see you there!!!
Enjoy the rest of your Evening:)
that yellow is so sunny and bright! Great job with the sketch this week!
beautiful card! thanks for playing along at ICS
OH THIS IS JUST PRECIOUS!!! I love your colors, flower, sweet and beautifully colored image. wonderful card. thank you so much for joining us this week at ICS!
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