Dieses Kärtchen passt mal wieder zu mehreren Challenges.
Zu EAC und stampwithfun wo das Thema : Ostern/Easter ist. Zu den Cutiestampers wo das Thema Frühling ist. Und bei der Magnolia Down Under Challenge gab es diesen tollen Sketch.
Gorgeous card love the way you followed the sketch looks amazing! Thanks so much for playing along and joining us at Magnolia Down Under Challenges. Hope to see you back again next week playing along with us. xx
Mandy, Love your beautiful card. The image is adorable, your colours and colouring wonderful. A fabulous take on the sketch. Thanks for joining us at Magnolia Down Under Challenges. hugs Jodie from Oz
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14 Kommentare:
Beautiful, sweet card!
Hugs Gosia S.
Super süß!! Der Stempel ist aber auch zu niedlich.
Danke für's Mitmachen bei MDUC.
Hallo Mandy deine Karte ist der Hammer ich bin ja sowas von begeistert, die Farben ich liebe sie.
GLG Nicole
sehr süß...ein tolles Kärtchen hast du gewerkelt...
Wow! this is so pretty I love the gorgeous colour scheme and all the pretty buttons! thanks for joining us at MDUC, hugs, Jane xxx
Gorgeous card love the way you followed the sketch looks amazing! Thanks so much for playing along and joining us at Magnolia Down Under Challenges. Hope to see you back again next week playing along with us. xx
Hugs, Kel
Oooh, Dein Kärtchenist ja wieder zauberhaft! Wunderschöne Farben und so toll coloriert! Klasse!
Liebe Grüße
Hallo Mandy,
eine wunderschöne Karte hast du mal wieder gestaltet. Die sieht umwerfend aus.
Oh WOW this is gorgeous Mandy.
Gorgeous take on our sketch!
Thanks so much for joining us this week at MDUC.
Kristy xx
Wow – what a fabulous job you’ve done with the sketch.
Thanx sooo much for joining us at MDUC this week.
Das Motiv gefällt mir sehr gut!
Danke fürs mitmachen bei EAC!
Mandy, Love your beautiful card.
The image is adorable, your colours and colouring wonderful. A fabulous take on the sketch. Thanks for joining us at Magnolia Down Under Challenges.
hugs Jodie from Oz
Hach, ist die niedlich!
LG Mirjam
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